Monday, November 19, 2018

Hyde & Hype November 19, 2018

Hyde & Hype

I've taken a pill to put me to sleep,
my blue eyes haven't taken the hint.
A moon stares at me. The sun too
far away to laugh at the joke.
Elm trees get it, the sidewalks
choose to ignore my sleeplessness
they're too busy plotting my demise.
A conspiracy of concrete.
Moreover, I feel rainy in my heart,
a steady drip of wet and glassy.
I feel darkness, cold and clammy,
finding its way through
the many veins that carry
the red river throughout my system.
I hear it, my life,
drowning, one drop at a time,
slithering around the clots
of uneven rust that has
labored for years to kill me.
If I do fall asleep tonight,
I will not dream, not of you,
not of her, not of red hair
dancing on your shoulder
whenever you forced me
to awkwardly "get down."
Some men dance with arms
flailing at the air, some men
merely swing back and forth
like slender trees caught in a breeze.
And some men incase their feelings
in knotted fists stuffed inside pockets.
There's magic in that . . . 
no one knows what I'm hiding.
Woodie o2-18-18

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