Friday, April 6, 2018

My Life in Film April 06,2016

I've been writing poetry on and off since I . . . can't really remember. Maybe my teens. Guess that's the time when you start feeling more like an "adult" and have something important to say about  . . . LIFE! But I didn't really get serious about writing until 2005 or so. Anyway, this is one of the first poems written during that time period. One of my favorites . . . for better or worse. 

My Life in Film

It’s way too early in the morning
for me to be up, but here I am
writing a poem, if I may call it such,
wondering exactly where I misplaced my life.
Funny, I thought I laid it on the night stand
next to my bed which I’m in the habit of doing,
but it’s not there…

Remember the movie
The Incredible Shrinking Man!
how little by little he disappeared
becoming smaller and smaller,
his voice turning to a whisper,
then to an even smaller whimper
until no one could hear him at all?
That’s me lately…

Not sure why, but my friends
don’t seem to see me anymore, or
maybe they see too much of me or
maybe it’s all in my head…
I do imagine things sometimes
that aren’t very pleasant, like
being eaten alive by flesh hungry zombies
while everyone I know ignores my cries for help…

They just turn their backs whistling that tune
from Snow White… You know, that happy
one the dwarfs whistle… before
they meet the title character…

Perhaps I watch too much television or
perhaps not enough…
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Ah, now that was a movie!
A babe, a chainsaw, a psycho killer
wearing a mask made of human skin!
Tears come to my eyes when I think about it!

I find it difficult to watch a movie
without a large coke and a medium
popcorn by my side…. I don’t know…
it comforts me while I sit in the dark…. alone.
Could that be a fault in my character?
Woodie o7-29-o8 (rewrites o5-o4-13, o4-o5-18)

1 comment:

  1. You were so silly, no one knew you were a lonely guy, feeling unloved, friends not wanting to see you. If anyone thinks they have over 4 or 5 friends, they are kidding themselves. You cannot give that much attention to that many people. Your poetry seems to be so much you. You sold nothing back, sometimes, and then with a blink of the eye, you turn everything off. Someone hurt you deeply. My daughter tells me to "suck it up" when I get to feeling that way. Good work, one of the best so far only no references to crows or sparrows, your signature. Calls for a rewrite.


Birthday Poems May 23, 2019

So, it's MY birthday . . . TODAY! I have a bit of a b-day tradition. I write poems for my birthday, day. Some times they are very long ...