Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Machine Head February 28, 2018

Went to the movies and experienced Annihilation. A flawed but definitely mind blowing experience about the evolution of living beings.

Machine Head

The marching machines,
the clacking, metal against metal
that study humdrum of grinding gears.

They’ve tamed the lion
roaring at our brains;
the blood in our veins
drying up, reduced
to a muddy slosh
thick on our tongues.

We are ending where we began
we are tumbling like the rain that
once fell in democratic abundance
upon the shattered skulls of the dead.

And all the while the machines rejoice;
they march and march and march on
as if they had a choice.
Woodie o2-28-18

1 comment:

Birthday Poems May 23, 2019

So, it's MY birthday . . . TODAY! I have a bit of a b-day tradition. I write poems for my birthday, day. Some times they are very long ...