Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Carrot Logic February 21, 2018

Been a while since the last poem posted but I've been busy writing poetry and working on my blog, The Daily {W}rite. Sorry if you feel neglected. This is an old poem (2016), rewritten a bit. I have no idea what it means because it's been so long since I wrote it. I'm sure it means something . . . I've just forgotten what that something is. Maybe you can tell me?

Carrot Logic

My body rejects any thought of being creative today.
A warm sun through the window next to the computer
seconds the motion: No need to think today, no need to
be more than or less than . . . The Thing From Another World.
Yes, James Arness! Intellectual, warrior carrot! He had his own
reproductive system! No need to put up with any female
Thingy's vegetable notion of right and wrong. Fricasseed
was The Thing into a pulpy glob by an unsympathetic army
of pissed off GIs. That raw meat diet. No qualms about
slicing and dicing a would-be Dick-tater From Another World.
Arness went on to kill his own monsters in THEM! And then,
Gunsmoke. I wonder if they smoked more than guns
while shooting that show? The OU football game has started.
I should watch but it’s hard to get into fan mode when just one
horrible day before this horrible day Facebook murdered me.
Some people at Art Walk last night stood in the cold drinking beer
congratulating each other for "giving up Facebook forever!"
I don't know which is more pretentious, admitting that
you gave up Facebook to a crowd of drunks or . . .
admitting that you were once on Facebook.
Woodie 11-28-16

(rewrites o2-21-18)

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