Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bird Flu February 24, 2019

So, I did get my flu shot back in October 2o18, and as it somehow goes I got a real bad case of the flu about a week ago. Really bad. My sister drove my semiconscious body down the Urgent Care behind my regular doctor's office. They gave me some antibiotics and steroids. Steroids make you higher than the HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey. And being shaky nervous and filled with adrenaline I decided to write and write and write on Facebook. AND I decided to take my drugged out comments on  Facebook and make poems out of them. I call them' The Steroid Flu Poems. Here's one of 'em.
Bird Flu 

on leave . . . 1969 . . .  fresh back from Nam
sitting at a local bar with my dad watching
the moon landing on TV, blurry picture,
listening to the newscaster describe 
the event and then: “the Eagle has landed.
Big whoops and hardy hollers from the bar crowd
who just stopped in to see (as best they could?)
the big show. Even the mostly silent bartender 
couldn’t stop himself from whispering a “God Bless ‘em” 
to himself as her poured free beers for the house.
And a group of older men sitting next to me and dad,
big smiles, slaps on the backs, "We did it! We did it"

but somehow all that joy and pride,
all those tears of God Bless America
suddenly turned into something . . . else:
"Yeah, we did it, alright. And those damn
hippies are still out there protesting the war . . .
And all that Civil Rights shit! Always
complaining they are . . .
Just gets in the way of what’s going on
right here on TV, on the moon . . .
On the moon they are! But do THEY care?

It took me a while to figure out
what the hell they were talking about. 

We celebrate moments. . .  Personal,
American moments . . . but it never lasts
because other moments intrude, stronger
moments invade our minds, our bodies,
our will to . . . to . . . 

What the hell was my point?
Woodie o2-24-19

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Not a Valentine's Day Poem February 14, 2019

Doing what I always do for the Day of Love Day . . . mock it a bit. I wrote this poem in 2o17 . . . for Valentine's Day. It's just a short poem about what probably are my three "loves" of my life. My only hope? None of them read it. That could be . . . interesting . . . more than likely not. Anyway, I know longer hate SVD. But I'm not all that in love with it either. {smiles}

Not a Valentine’s Day Poem

I chose not to write a Valentine poem,
but then decided, what the hell,
I might as well, since it is Valentine's Day.

In The Garage, standing in line to order
a Swiss and mushroom burger you kissed
me, hard. It felt like a passionate, drunk
Mac truck had just smashed into my lips.
I will not lie and say it was unpleasant
because you did taste like 1979, the last year
that our mouths said hello to each other.

And the other one, you know who you are,
the one that I bought a Teddy bear for
on the 12th of each month just to tell you
how thankful an oldie was to have you in his life.
You were nice until you weren’t anymore.

And then there was the one, the only one, really.
Blond hair, English accent, glasses
that partially hid the bluest eyes . . . 
I don't remember ever celebrating
Valentine's Day with you. Perhaps,
it was that every day seemed like
Valentine's Day when we were together.

So, writing a poem about ghosts
isn't the most romantic thing.
But when you have little left
except for memories? Well,
memories are better than nothing.

Happy Valentine’s Day
Woodie o2-14-17
(rewrites o2-13-19)

Birthday Poems May 23, 2019

So, it's MY birthday . . . TODAY! I have a bit of a b-day tradition. I write poems for my birthday, day. Some times they are very long ...